Thursday, December 30, 2010

The boys first movie at a theater: MEGAMIND

 We took the boys to see their first movie at a theater.  We took them to see to Megamind at CinemaCity McGillvary.  The boys did pretty good, though nearer the end of the movie they did get a little fidgety.  When the movie was over Ajay started crying though he said it was because he was so sad that the movie was over.  He wanted to see another movie right away.  His crying could also be blamed on the fact that we took them to see the movie during the time when they usually nap.  In the end, I believe the movie experience was a success.

 Playing "Dance Dance Revolution"

 Getting ready for the movie

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Time!

 This Christmas season has been full of food, fun and family.  We still have one more gathering to come too.  We have been to the my mom's side family gathering about a week and a half ago.  The boys had a lot of fun playing with some of my younger cousins.

Playing Ring around the Rosy

Ajay and his Great Oma

Christmas morning at our house.

Just this last weekend we celebrated Christmas with first the Anton's family at our house on Christmas day and at my parents house on Boxing Day.

Relaxing with Uncle Matt

Hanging out with Auntie Julie

 Oma and Opa with the boys

Maddox's new pig named "Pork Chop"

Ajay's monkey named "George"

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The boys first time sledding!

 We took the boys out sledding for the first time today.  We had borrowed my parents sled, the one I remember using on many occasions when I was little.  We took the boys to a little hill in a park near our house.  Anton went down on the sled with the boys the first time.  We asked them if they liked sledding and they said no.  Luckily we got them to keep on trying.  At the end we asked them if they liked sledding and they said YES.

 The boys right before their first time down the hill.

 Ajay and me

Saturday, December 11, 2010


 Today, we took the boys bowling for the first time, at Collin's 5th birthday party. The boys got through about six rounds before they started to get cranky.  They did pretty good, though luckily for them they had the guards on the gutters.  Somehow though they still were able to get a couple gutter-balls. The boys liked that it was glow bowling.  Ajay was amazed at how the stripes on his shirt glowed.

Christmas Baking

This last week the boys and I made some sugar cookies.  The boys enjoyed helping make the dough and cutting out the shapes.  Their favorite shape was the gingerbread man which they called Gingy, ( the name of the gingerbread man in the Shrek movies). 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ajay's First Cavity

Today we went to the dentist to get Ajay's cavity filled.  The appointment was originally scheduled for January but we got in earlier since someone else cancelled.  I gave Ajay gravol as the dentist told me to do the last time we saw him, but I was starting to wonder if it was working.  An hour after he had taken it he was still running around and not tired in the least.  Finally we got to see the dentist, and Ajay was a great patient.  He did not move around much or cry.  So maybe the gravol did work.  The dentist did notice something though, which is one of his front teeth moves a little.  Apparently, he and Maddox have been playing too rough.  There is nothing they can do about it though.

My birthday

I celebrated my 29th birthday at the end of November.  We went to a restaurant called "Chop Steakhouse" with several of our friends.  It was the first time we had been there, and won't be the last.  Their food was great.  I had Filet Mignon, which was so tender it fell apart in your mouth.  We decided to have my cake with the boys because they were so excited about it.  They kept on saying "Mommy I want to have part of your birthday"... which I believe they were talking about my cake and not actually my birthday.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Photo time with Santa

We went to see Santa this evening at the mall.  The boys were excited to see Santa, no tears in sight.  Though when Santa asked what they wanted for Christmas they could not come up with anything.