Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bird's Hill

We joined the rest of my family for a day of "camping" at Birds Hill.  We came for breakfast and got back home around 10pm.  It was a fun and busy day.

Hammock time with Auntie Julie

All the boys


Oma and Maddox

 Piggy back rides

 Ajay and me

 Fun in the sun at the beach.

 Sand castles

 In the evening we went fishing.  Anton recently bought new fishing gear and this was our first chance to try it out.  We also got the boys a fishing rod too.  We were unable to catch any fish... but check at the end of this blog to find out what we did catch!

 We caught a GOPHER!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The tooth fairy!!

On the weekend the boys ran into each other and pre-maturely loosened Ajay front tooth.  Yesterday we finally had to pull it out because it was causing Ajay more pain in than if we would pull it.  Last night the tooth fairy came and gave Ajay a dollar for his tooth.  He was very happy about that.

The new gap tooth smile!!

Lukyan's Birthday

 On the weekend we celebrated our friends' son Lukyan's 3rd Birthday.  The boys loved the balloon man.

 Maddox and his alligator

Ajay and his bunny with a carrot

 Lukyan loves Thomas the tank engine.

Ajay ate "James"... well only part as he is totally sugar.