Thursday, May 30, 2013

Soccer Pictures

Here are the boys soccer pictures for the 2013 season.  
Finally they included them in the price of the soccer season.







The purple sharks!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

These are the gifts that the boys made me for Mother's Day this year.  Amara on the other hand makes me stuff too, but usually it is in her diaper and I throw it out (sorry Amara).

Left: Maddox's picture, Right: Ajay's picture

Ajay - green card, Maddox - blue card


We recently had our first campfire of the year.  The boys were really excited to roast marshmallows.

 AHHH!! He is foaming at the mouth!!!

Friday, May 3, 2013


Our bike trailer we ordered arrived today, so we were able to take a family bike ride this evening.  Amara seemed to enjoy her bike trailer.  She looks so cute I couldn't even pick just one picture of her in it.

A new year of soccer begins

Soccer has started again for another year.  This year the boys are on the purple team, their team is called the "Purple Sharks".  The first soccer get-together was a jamboree at an indoor soccer field.  It was a little chaotic as their were several community centers there on that particular day.

 Amara really enjoyed watching, she completely missed last season as she 
was born the day after the final soccer jamboree.

The boys are on a team with their friend Alex from their school class.

Can cabinet

I just have to give my Dad a big thank-you for giving me a can cabinet (again).  I had one at my other house and I have been really missing it.  He has also helped with my pantry closet and my bedroom closet.

Dinosaur Day!

Recently the boys invited friends and family to their school for their Dinosaur day.  For the past month they have been learning all about dinosaurs.

 The class

 Ajay and me... he is all dressed up because it was spirit week and this particular day
they were supposed to dress up.

The boys dinosaur Dioramas and reports