Monday, March 21, 2011

The three Amigos

Ajay and Maddox have found their first best friend named Eliott at our playgroup.  Every week, the boys are excited to see Eliott's truck in the parking lot.  They rush to the room so that all three of them can go racing down the long hallways on their ride-on cars.  The scooter that Maddox is on is the overall favorite by all.

Maddox's artwork

I wanted to show off Maddox's artwork today because he is getting pretty good at it.  They both used to scribble everywhere on the page, but now you can see he is at least trying to get it in the lines.  Also, I showed Maddox how to write his name.  I wrote the letters on another page while he copied my letters.  He ran out of room at the top of the page so he had to start going down the page.  By the way, Ajay does not get any picture here because he was not cooperating very well.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Today we went to see Monster Jam.  The boys were very excited to see the monster trucks.  They asked us all morning if it was time to go yet.  They also have little Hot wheels versions of the trucks so all the trucks were familiar to us too.  The boy's favorite truck was the "camaro truck" called "Dragon's Breath". Personally, I am a fan of "Grave Digger" (the one that is green underneath).  It was cool to see the trucks do their jumps and spins.  Through the whole show only one truck landed on its back.

Dining Adventures

We went out for supper at Montana's with Uncle Matt and Auntie Julie this past month.  The boys love hanging out with their Auntie and Uncle.

At McDonald's we found that the Happy Meal box is good for more than just a container to hold your food.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The boys are officially registered for Nursery school!!

Today I registered the boys in Nursery school for next September.  They are going to a Nursery school called "Discovery Children's Center".  This morning the boys joined this years class with their activities. They got to draw pictures, paint and feed the class fish.  They seemed to like the school, I only say "seemed" because Ajay was feeling sick and clingy.

We look forward to spending lots of time at "Discovery"!