Monday, August 27, 2012

Our "cabin" weekend

We were supposed to have went to my Aunt and Uncle's cabin this past weekend but because of my Oma's condition we decided to just have a day at my parents.  As part of our day we made tin can robots which everyone enjoyed.  

 My kids

 Working on the robots

 My robot

 Anton's robot R-32O7

Enjoying  rhubarb sorbet

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Our new house

BIG NEWS!!!  We bought a new house this last Friday.  Anton always looks at real estate websites and gets us to look at houses when he finds one that is interesting.  This time when we went to look at a house we both really liked it and decided to put in an offer.  There was another offer on the house so we thought we would try $272,000, which was a little over the $269,900 asking price.  The real estate agent came back to us a little later because the other offer was higher, so we raised our offer to $275,000.  Sadly, we lost the bid.  A couple of days later the real estate agent called back and told us the other couple's financing fell through so we now had a chance to bid by ourselves.  This time we offered lower than asking at $267,500 and they ACCEPTED!!!  We have possession of the house next friday.  Here are some pictures.

Julie's Birthday

This past month we celebrated my sister Julie's birthday at her house.  While we were there we sampled fresh carrots straight from Julie's garden.

 Julie and Maddox

Amara & Jordyn - Best Friends Forever

Our friends Jarret and Cathy had a baby girl just two weeks before us.  In the picture below the girls are at a mommy and baby class that we are all attending.

Friday, August 17, 2012

No training wheels!

This past week both of the boys have tried to ride bike without their training wheels.  They both did really well.  Ajay was able to drive two house lengths unassisted.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Amara - 7 weeks old

Here are some pictures of Amara at 7 weeks old.  She has started to give us some real smiles which I have sometimes been able to capture in a photo.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The package!!

Yesterday I received the package from Anton's aunt Gloria in New York City.  When the boys were born she sent an equally large box of clothes for them, pretty much she has single handedly clothed all my children.    Below are a some items she has worn already.

My little gang

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pioneer Days

My little gang spent the Friday of the long weekend enjoying the Pioneer days parade and swimming at Oma and Opa's house.  The boys are getting really good at getting the candy and other stuff at the parade.  We even got two frisbees this year.